Thursday, June 5, 2008

Senses Working Overtime

Greetings from Gulu!

Well friends, two years and a week's delay in the making, I have finally arrived in Uganda. Surely all of the delays and frustration just made it that much sweeter to have made it.

Since our boarding in JFK Airport on Monday night, everything has gone smoothly. In fact when we were boarding, in a hilarious twist of fate given the titles of the last two entries, a song played on the overhead with the lyrics "Life handed me lemonade and I don't know why. Thanks for the lemonade." It was perfectly fitting.

The journey was long and tiring (believe me flying into the future is exhausting) but so worth it. I awoke from a short nap on the plane to Entebbe to see out of my window the rising sun over (get this! ) the Nile River. Everything around it was so lush and green. It was probably the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

When we finally arrived in Uganda, we ate some bread and honey and relaxed a little bit before leaving to Gulu on the bus. First of all, Kampala is completely congested. There were people every where all selling things and talking. I tried hard to keep up with Kevin the office volunteer as he guided us but it was hectic. My senses were working so much overtime, trying to take it all in. I don't think I will be returning there until I have to leave.

We go on the bus to Gulu at about 11, but it did not leave until one or so. Let me paint the picture for you. Imagine a six or seven hour road trip. Then take out all of the rules of the road, and add many potholes and people. It was absolutely frightening. Our driver attempting to get us there fast and safe(?), drove wildly around potholes quickly shifting from one side of the road to the next depending on the site of the next pothole. He would honk the horn as he zipped by and on numerous occassions I saw women and children run of the road afraid they would be hit by the bus. A rightful fear no doubt. We would stop only every once in a while to the side of the road where local people would sell us food and drinks on the side of the road. Meat on a stick, soda and water, pineapples, mangoes and more be hawked through the bus window. "Mzungo (white person), you want something to eat?" they would holler.

As we pulled up to Gulu town, it began pouring rain. We waited it out a bit but got rained on as we walked over to our residence. I was so happily greeted by the rest of the Invisible Conflicts crew. Our place is nice two rooms and a bathroom. We went to dinner and ate vegetable rice and bread. It was alright but I'm told better food awaits me.

I slept at a place called Heels (or Heals? I guess I don't know) because there are two many of us for our two beds. I got into the bottom bunk there and pulled my mosquito net around me and tried to sleep. The darkness when the lights went out was a whole new level of black, no difference between my eyes opened or closed. I woke up a lot in the middle of the night. But it was a nice first night.

Today we are off to run errands and then are off to the office. More news soon.

The newspaper this morning said Uganda is thrilled about Obama's win. Congrat Obama!


greenrice said...

I am so glad you arrived safe and sound! Good thing you brought so much extra memory for your camera - your journey there sounds awe inspiring!! I miss you and am sending lots of loving momma vibes your way! Stay safe and let me know when we will do the Skype thing so I can talk to you in person.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

this is the suz. I'm excited that you got there safely! hurrah! keep us updated my dear friend. I miss you and am sending you lots of roommate vibes. i will be living in uganda through you.

midge120 said...

HEY Diana
I finally got on your blog site and just read about the adventures you've already had.
You have such a great attitude about everything and are a wonderful writer too. I love reading your blogs and look forward to new updates. I will keep you in my prayers everyday and promise to take care of your momma while you are away. Sending you a big hug & lots of love & admiration. Aunt Lori

greenrice said...

I am trying to use Skype but it says the number is invalid. The number that is on caller ID is 256-777-3709. Is that right? Am I doing something wrong? Let me know....I have the computer on and would love to talk to you!!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

You DID make it!! Hooray! I am so happy for you! And I am sending you good & safe times goat-keeper vibes :)

Peter Jurich said...

I'm so happy you're blogging your adventures, mzungo. You're writing is so energetic and fun! In this entry, I like how you described the ride. I really can't say how happy I am for you!